february 2025:

joolaee trio´s debut cd 


received the 

German Record Critic´s Award

Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik!


Link to the announcement

oktober 2024:


debut cd 

joolaee trio 

has been published!

"The interpretations and recordings are excellent" 
(Pizzicato Magazine)

"This trio playfully throws East-West clichés overboard" 
(Green Belt  of sound)

"The sonic result is fascinating and breathtaking. Orient and Occident meet here, and very different traditions merge into a musically unique synthesis" 
(Bremen Zwei, CD-Tipp)

 "This is instrumental singing that soars into brighter spheres - on an equal footing with its two partners in this trio. This opens all the doors of sensitivity to great narratives in a small space! "



Chamber Music Album of the Year!
(Bremen Zwei)

Order on JPC

november 2022:

"qanat" received likewise the prestigious music award "preis der deutschen schallplattenkritik"

"Bestenliste 4/2022" Preis der deutschen Schallplattenk

june 2022:

release of 


To the CD Page on Pilgrims of Sound

Qanat is the 3rd album of Iranian kamancheh virtuoso Misagh Joolaee with German percussionist Sebastian Flaig. The word Qanat refers to ancient structures used to extract fresh water from underground springs in desert areas of Iran. 
Misagh took this motif as a model to try to get fresh impressions out of the soil of the musical tradition.

Watch Neagrin from this album!


August 2021:

"unknown nearness" received likewise the prestigious music award "preis der deutschen schallplattenkritik"

"Bestenliste 3/2021" Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik

April 2021:

release of 

"unknown             nearness" 

To the CD Page on Pilgrims of Sound

Misagh has been writing the works in this album in recent years. The kamancheh virtuoso's second album "Unknown Nearness" contains only his own compositions he wrote for kamancheh solo. This album represents new playing techniques he created and developed most recently.

Kamancheh and compositions: Misagh Joolaee

Watch the promotional video!


february 2020:

"Ferne" received the prestigious music award "preis der deutschen schallplattenkritik"

"Bestenliste 1/2020" of Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik

November 2019:

release of 

his solo Debut-CD


To the CD Page on Pilgrims of Sound

Misagh has been writing the works in this album for the last 10 years. The kamancheh virtuoso's first solo album with the title "Ferne" contains only his own compositions, which he wrote both for kamancheh solo and for kamancheh with accompanying percussion.

Kamancheh and Compositions: Misagh Joolaee
Percussions: Sebastian Flaig

Watch the promotional video!